
Things to Consider when Getting a Sphynx Cat

When it comes to choosing a new feline friend to share your home with you, there is nothing more distinctive looking than the Sphynx. These cats are definitely the type to divide opinions – their most striking feature being that they have no fur.

The lack of fur also means that they are favoured by people who often suffer from cat allergies and would struggle to have a more hairy cat. Although Sphynx cats do have very fine hairs on them, it is nowhere near the amount that other cats have, so for allergy sufferers they can be a great companion.

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However, because of the lack of hair, these cats do require special care and attention, so if you are thinking of bringing one into your home, here are some tips…

Make sure you find a Registered and Ethical Breeder – Over the course of the pandemic in particular, pet ownership soared as people went on the hunt for pets to share lockdown life with. Unfortunately, this drove up prices of pets and many unscrupulous ‘breeders’ sought to cash in and make money as they became more in demand. When looking for a breeder, you should make sure that they are GCCF registered. You can then start to build a relationship with the breeder, get to know them and their cats which is a great way to learn about the breed and ensure that they are right for you. A good breeder will encourage and welcome this.

Sphynx cats can get chilly due to their lack of fur so make sure that they are always able to keep warm. If you have a cold home it may not be suitable, especially in the winter. Heat sources such as this from underfloor heating Gloucestershire based company Parsons flooring is a good way to heat the home, and you could also get some cosy cat jumpers and socks for your cat to stay cosy and snug in. A cosy bed and a plentiful supply of snuggly blankets are also must have items for sphynx cats. As well as the fact that their obvious pedigree appearance makes them a target for thieves, they also should be kept indoor only due to their low tolerance for the cold.

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As well as the cold, extra care must be taken to care for the skin of a Sphynx cat. Due to the lack of hair they benefit from being bathed on a weekly basis, which is something they should be introduced to from a young age so that they get used to it. Although cats are not really fans of being bathed, with a Sphynx it is essential to prevent problems developing with the skin. When bathing them, you should pay particular attention to clean the folds of skin and places under wrinkles, as this is where dirt and bacteria can build up and cause problems.

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