
Why dogs bark and what they are trying to communicate

There are many different reasons for dogs to bark and they may be trying to express different emotions. Working out what your dog wants to communicate can help you to understand how they are feeling and to react appropriately.

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Why dogs bark

Barking can be a way for your dog to express excitement or distress, a way to attract your attention or to warn other dogs or people to keep away from their territory. Barking would originally have been an alarm call, but you should be able to understand the meaning of different sounding barks.

Differences in pitch

A dog bark can be low pitched, medium pitched or high pitched, and the differences in pitch can mean different things. A low pitched bark could indicate that your dog is trying to sound threatening and aggressive, possibly to protect you from perceived threats. According to Psychology Today this is because larger things make lower sounds, and that by lowering the pitch of their bark, your dog is trying to sound bigger.

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A medium pitched bark may mean that your dog is excited, as they may be when you produce their dog collars and leads.

A high pitched bark is more likely to mean that your dog feels insecure or frightened. You may be able to work out what has upset them and remedy the situation. A high pitched bark may also mean that it is safe to approach the dog.

Differences in duration

The length of time your dog barks for is also relevant. For example, one yelp may mean they are hurt whilst several short barks could mean they are frightened.

Long, low pitched barks may indicate that your dog feels defensive whilst frequent barks could mean that they are worried about a potential attack.

Other noises dogs make

In addition to barking, dogs may also sigh when they are feeling content.

When you fetch Dog Collars and Leads your dog may whine with anticipation for a walk. Whining may also mean that they want another form of attention.

If your dog howls, it could mean that they have separation anxiety if you go out and leave it alone.

You and your dog will understand each other better over time, and you will come to know how they feel from the noises they make.

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