
5 Tips to Help You Land Your First Truck Driving Job

If you enjoy life on the open road – watching the sun rise and set, exploring new horizons, meeting new people – perhaps becoming a truck driver is the best career for you. Instead of spending your days in an office cubicle, you could be spending your days in a moving office – your truck – experiencing new adventures each day. However, when you are trying to land a position as a truck driver, the competition can be tough, which is why it helps to have a few tips and tricks. At the end of the day, increasing your chances at finding a truck driving job is easy – provided that you have a combination of tenacity and persistence. Here are five tips to help you land your first truck driving job.

  1. Get experience first. After you’ve gotten your commercial trucking license, you want to spend some time learning some advanced maneuvers. Having this kind of knowledge and experience will be invaluable when it comes time to apply for trucking positions. When it comes down to it, there are many truck driving training schools that you can enter, which will give you the experience to stand apart from other applicants.
  2. Clean up your driving record. When it comes down to it, you want to make sure that your driving record is clean when you go to apply for truck driving positions. If you have any major infractions, they can really set you back. So, you want to speak with a lawyer, or you may want to find a way to remove or expunge those infractions from your driving record. It may take a little back-pedaling, but all the time and effort will definitely pay off, especially when it comes to getting your dream job.
  3. Make sure that you meet all the health requirements. If you want to increase your chances of getting an interview with a certain trucking fleet, you want to make sure that you have all your health records. Trucking companies want individuals that have great eyesight and hearing. Not to mention, they also want candidates who are in excellent physical condition. If you can show this in your application, it will be much easier to get your foot in the door.
  4. Widen your opportunity pool. If you really want to increase your opportunities, it is important to apply to as many jobs as possible. This is the reason why websites,, are so important. Being able to have access to available positions will allow you to put your feelers out to as many employers as possible. The more trucking jobs you apply to, the higher your chances of landing a job.
  5. Use a job recruiter. In any industry, you can usually find an agency or brokerage firm, which can help individuals land a certain job. If you are having a hard time finding an available position as a truck driver, you may want to reach out to a job recruiter. At the end of the day, a job recruiter usually has a number of listings and can book multiple interviews with potential employers. Soon enough, you’ll be behind the wheel of a big rig truck and enjoying your new career.
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