
Types of roof in Britain.

All across the UK buildings can be seen from every angle. They will differ in design and style but they will all have one thing in common – a roof, which usually takes on the form of slate.  However this is not the only type of roof that you will find in the country as there are, for example, thatched roofs which use traditional methods of tightly bound straw creating an incredible rustic look . They do,however, require an extraordinary amount of maintenance. The reason we now use Welsh slate instead is because it is a much better material for keeping out damp weather.

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In this country we have an enormous amount of rainfall therefore we need decent roofs to protect us. If your roof is looking in disrepair look to Hereford Roofers who can provide the perfect service for making sure your roof is working well.

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The other type of roof  you will find is the flat roof, which although it appears to be flat this is not actually the case. No roof is flat as it would create standing water which would cause further problems with damp and mould and they would collect rainwater and other such waste. No expense should be spared when it comes to roofs. They represent some of the most important parts of a house and without them serious illness and injury can occur.

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