
Kitchen Worktop Trends for 2024

If you’re planning a kitchen refurbishment, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the choices available to you. From different colour schemes to different styles, altogether there is a lot of room for creativity.

If you’re working with a kitchen refurbishment company such as, you can always ask for guidance when deciding on the best kitchen style for your space. However, you may still want creative control. In this case, it is good to know what kitchen styles are trending.

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Colour schemes for the kitchen

One of the biggest decisions to make for your cis the colour scheme. The colour scheme is important as it can bring your kitchen refurb together and make the room feel comfortable.

For example, do you want a bright, open kitchen, with white cabinets and wood touches? Or are you looking for something bolder, such as brightly coloured cabinets and a black granite worktop?

Certain colours will arouse certain emotions, so it is important to consider how you would like people to feel. Neutral colours such as beige or white are typically recommended in kitchens, as these calm the mind. On the other hand, bold colours like red should be avoided as they can have the opposite effect.

Kitchen Worktop Trends for 2024

When the sky’s the limit with your kitchen refurb, it may be a good idea to consider how your choices will impact the everyday experience of your new kitchen. Your countertop can make or break your kitchen refurbishment Guildford, and it is worth careful consideration.

Quartz is an extremely popular choice for a worktop, as it is affordable yet very durable. Granite is also popular and offers the same durability as quartz, while also being heat resistant.

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For something out of the norm, copper is growing in popularity due to its antibacterial properties and chic appearance. Wood is also popular for those who are more eco-conscious, but it does require regular oil and sealing to ensure it is in optimal health. However, no matter what material you choose, each will require some level of upkeep.

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