
What Things to Think About Before You Get Your Boiler Moved

Whether you are planning to make some big changes to your home, and are renovating, or building an extension, or you are simply fed up with the location that your boiler is  currently, there are many reasons that you might want to move your boiler.

Moving a boiler is a big job however, and you need to make sure that it is not only done correctly and safely by a professional like this plumber Gloucester based company but also that the new location for your boiler is suitable and that you are going to benefit from it, as it can also be quite costly to do.

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First of all, think about the location that the boiler is currently in and why you want to move it. Is it in the way, or can something be done to keep it where it currently is and to improve it? For example, if it is the appearance of it that you don’t like, is there a way that you can disguise it, such as building a cupboard around it?

If the boiler is causing problems in its current location, such as making a noise and keeping you up at night, if it is in or near a bedroom for example, where can it be moved to where this is not going to happen? In addition to thinking about places to put it that solve the issues that you are having with it, you also need to think about the practicality of it being in a new location.

In addition to the time and cost of it being moved, think also about how easy the boiler will be to access in its new location. Whether you need to turn it off or on, or an engineer needs to get to it to service it, it needs to be easy enough to gain access to, should it be needed.

You also need to make sure that it is the right distance from any doors or windows, as there is a minimum flue clearance distance that needs to be adhered to.

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Boilers also need to have access to a waste pipe, and the further you move it away from one, the more pipes you are going to need to connect it, which of course makes it a more expensive job to do.

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