
Exterior Maintenance of Your Timber Frame Home

Protecting your home from the elements is a good way to start. Elements such as rain, snow and wind can damage your home. You may find that your timber woods are drying out or may even be growing mould or cracking from moisture.

You should perform regular checks, checking the wood visually for any changes. You should be on the lookout for exposed or faded wood. You should reapply the stain as soon as you see any signs of fading. Waiting until the wood turns grey and weathered is too late. You may have to start over if you want to get the original look. For a Timber Frame Company, consider

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Staining is like painting, but staining will bring out the grain and natural colour of the wood. It also helps seal it against moisture. The weather will play a greater or lesser part in the maintenance of exterior wood depending on its direction. If your wood is facing south, it will be more exposed to UV rays, requiring more frequent maintenance. You can expect an additional top coat to be applied around the 4 year mark with stain products.

It is important to apply staining as soon as you see any greying. This will save you a lot of time and hassle later.

The key here is diligence. Make a maintenance schedule. Take all preventative measures to protect your beautiful timber frame house from any issues that may arise. You can also use insecticides and fungicides to prevent insects and mould, if they become an issue.

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A beautiful timber house is an investment that will last a lifetime. It’s also a fulfilment of dreams. To ensure that your investment lasts, you must take the time to care for it.

It’s not difficult to maintain a wood home. You only need to make good choices in the design phase, use high-quality materials and perform regular checks.

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